this hem had been made extremely long since it came to be used to show class differences , and the like . この裾は身分差などを表現するようになって極端に長くなった。
in some houses , multiple irori fireplaces existed , and they were divided according to their class differences . 家によっては複数の囲炉裏が存在し、身分により使う囲炉裏が分けられていた。
because talented men were appointed to office without regard to class differences between nobles and samurai or the presence or absence of specific abilities , the administration fell into extreme chaos . 公家・武家の別や能力の有無に関わりなく人材を登用したため、行政は混乱を極めた。
most of them inclusively treated japanese people as a standardized group , ignoring historical changes and class differences , and uniqueness was discussed through a comparison with foreign countries and cultures . 日本人を包括的に均一な集団としてとらえ、歴史的変遷や階級による相違を無視して、外国・異文化との比較を通してその独自性を論じるところを共通項とする論が多い。
on the other hand , daimon (formal costume of daimyo consisting of a wide sleeved jacket with family crests ) and suo (formal middle rank dress , usually including a jacket and hakama ) started to appear in response to social class differences within samurai . 一方で武士の中での階級差に対応するように直垂から大紋、素襖などが派生していった。